Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Volunteer Orientation

Are you interested in volunteering at Pineridge?

On Thursday, January 12th at 2:00 pm we will be hosting a parent volunteer orientation presentation at the school. (RSVP to Ms Best, Assistant Principal, by emailing/calling the school)

Information will be shared on how you can get involved and what volunteering looks like. We will share how you can work with teachers and students. 

As our focus at school this month is reading, We will share some reading strategies to use prior to reading, during reading and after reading. We will cover the process of transitioning students from working with a volunteer to coming back to the classroom.
Please contact the school by Wednesday, January 11th if you plan on attending. 

ALL PARENTS who want to volunteer at the school are invited. 

Location provided upon signing in at the office on Jan 12.