Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Family Literacy Day is a SCHOOL AND FAMILY event!

Re: Friday's "Pajama Party" aka, Family Literacy Day
As per Kristina Flood (aka, the word's smiliest, friendliest, happiest teacher, ever):
Students will be participating in a variety of activities all morning in their classrooms and in the gym. Volunteers with security clearance may help out with these activities. We would love to have volunteers help with the activities in the gym in particular. This may include helping to organize students with their siblings/cousins/friends as they come to the gym with their reading rally tickets. Some groups of students may love to have a volunteer read with them (in the gym) as well:)
Families (including those parents who do not have security clearance) are welcome to come to the school to participate in literacy activities in the Learning Commons. Parents may bring their young children and can stay for any length of time between 9 AM and 11:30 AM. If families choose to, they may pull their school age children from class to read in the Learning Commons. That option is open to every family.
We do ask that everyone sign in at the office as the event is during school hours. All are welcome to wear to their pyjamas!