Monday, 16 January 2017

Report Cards - January 26th

Report cards are coming home on January 26. Report cards focus on six essential learning skills and work habits students need to succeed. Each skill is reported as Excellent (E), Good (G), Satisfactory(S) or Needs Improvement. The six skills and habits are: Responsibility Organization Independent Work Collaboration Initiative Self-regulation Report Cards let you know early in the school year about your child's progress and how well he/she is developing important learning skills and work habits. For academic subjects like math, language and science, the progress report tells you whether your child is progressing very well, well or with difficulty. Progress Report Cards do not have letter grades or percentage marks. They include clear, meaningful comments from your child's teacher and highlight strengths and areas for improvement. Seeing this as a chance to celebrate your children in their progression in learning, sets the tone for it to be a positive experience with feedback from others. Who doesn't appreciate supportive families who model feedback as an important but non threatening partnership between our children and their learning environment.