Friday, 20 October 2017

Winners from Cookie Dough Sales!

DRUMROLL PLEASE! Well those last two envelopes were worth waiting for!! Grand tally: 338 boxes sold!!!! (we CRUSHED our goal of 200!) and we have some really good salespeople in our school community!!
The most boxes was sold by MYA who sold 37 boxes!! ($644 dollars worth) and as per such, she will be awarded the $50.00 cash prize for being the top selling student!! Congratulations Mya!
We had some incredible participation in this fundraiser and some honorable mentions must go out! In addition to Mya's order, there was a $615.00 order, and a $505.00 order as well... another for over $300.00, 4 over $200.00, and 13 over $100.00!! WOW!!!
25 students/families sold over the 5 boxes required to get their names entered into the draw for the 4 $25.00 Toys R Us gift cards.. and the winners are: Ariana/Ciara, Doris, Dominic, and Mason!
Big thanks to the beautiful girls Melissa & Bethanny for assisting with the draw, and thank you again to everyone who participated in this fundraiser!! Grand totals on profit and donations earned will be posted next week, along with the cookie delivery date.