Friday, 16 February 2018

Perfect Attendance Registration

Registration for Perfect Attendance for the 2nd School Term is open until Feb 18th. Register your kiddies (open to grade 2-6 students in Calgary), and if they don't miss school days, they can receive gift certificate awards valued up to $100.00. There are also awards for kids who only miss a few days, or increased their attendance.
Note: This is not a school ran/affiliated program. It is a non for profit organization that wishes to encourage and support families who make a commitment to attend school every day.

Monday, 5 February 2018

PSPA McDonald's Fun Lunch - Feb 14th!

The PSPA is hosting a (McDonald's!) Fun Lunch on Valentine's Day next week (This is fun for the parents too, as participating in it will mean you only have to make lunches 2 days next week since Thurs/Fri is no school )
Watch for yellow forms coming home in agendas today.
Order forms/payment (cash only & please send exact change) must be received by this Thursday, February 8th, 2018.
PS: Parents, if you have your school security clearance check, and are available to help hand out lunches on Wednesday, February 14th from 11:25 am-12:15 pm; or should you have any questions, or concerns about this Fun Lunch, please contact Melissa Molberg, PSPA President at