Annual general meeting tonight. Arrive before 6pm to be granted entry!
Did you know:? From September 2016 (start of last school year) to Present, the PSPA has:
- Paid for $27, 913.89 worth of school upgrades (various purchases relating to the Kindergarten room, music room, gymnasium, the learning commons, technology, and much more)
- Paid for $37,455.51 worth of opportunities/experiences and materials for our students! (Think: alien skating, trickster, lacrosse, dance, books, agendas, field trips, and swim bussing, the community gardens and presenters)
- Raised $71,277.43 via PSPA fundraising initiatives! (Including a casino fundraiser, catalogue fundraisers, cash calendar raffle ticket sales, cookie dough sales, cash donations and fun lunches)
- Hosted and/or co hosted or sponsored 4 family/community events including a dance, a family fun fitness night, a toy bingo, and a family rollerblading night!
- Established a Facebook page, a website (, a clear volunteer program, a list of food resources for families in need (see our website) and more, to keep you in the know and feeling supported!
- Paid $1,520.09 towards club support (Me to We/leadership club, Patrollers Picnic, the student entrepreneur project)
- and more!!! (Seriously! There is more!)
Join us tonight to hear about cost breakdowns, our goals going forward, and to learn how you can get involved (if you’d like- no obligation! You can just come to listen!)
Note: the $/upgrades/opportunities/events etc. would NOT have been possible or available to our students or school if it wasn’t for the PSPA and families who support and volunteer for fundraisers and events. Just wanted to say such a heart felt thank you to our entire parent/family community for all that you do (many schools go without any of this - the things mentioned above are extras (school budgets/school fees don’t pay for them), that require an active parent association and community in order to make them possible, and many schools don’t have this!) Also a HUGE thank you goes out to our school for scheduling and organizing the upgrades and residencies listed above, because without their cooperation they wouldn’t happen either. We should all be so immensely proud of our accomplishments!!
See you tonight!