The Family Fun Fitness Fair is this Thursday night (and so far it's not supposed to rain - hurray!!!)
There will be FREE family friendly activities including: street hockey, soccer, bumper balls, meditation, kick ball, Nia (drumming/dancing), and more... oh, and delicious hard scoop Marble Slab ice-cream, and door prizes!! Oh!, and there will also be a hot dog vendor selling hot dogs (including a non-pork, all beef option) for your added convenience, you know, since it'll be around supper time!
This event is open to the entire Pineridge Community and we hope to see you there! 6:00pm-7:30pm, Thursday, June 15th!
Remember, we will be accepting donations for the Calgary Food Bank at this event, and all children attending MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Hope to see you there!