Thank you to everyone who sold cookies this year!! Thanks to your tremendous efforts, the PSPA earned just over $2000.00 from this fundraiser!!!
Delivery date/time soon to be announced.
We keep you connected! * Monthly meetings, join in! * We ❤ Volunteers!
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Monday, 7 May 2018
Fun Lunch - May 17, 2018
The PSPA has organized another McDonald's Fun Lunch for May 17, 2018 (Thursday before the long weekend). Forms will be going home early this week (May 7th) & we ask our families to return them by Thursday, May 10th.
Cash only, and exact change please. If a cheque must be sent, please ensure it is made out to "PSPA" (NOT Pineridge School).
Thank you!!
Cash only, and exact change please. If a cheque must be sent, please ensure it is made out to "PSPA" (NOT Pineridge School).
Thank you!!
Friday, 16 February 2018
Perfect Attendance Registration
Registration for Perfect Attendance for the 2nd School Term is open until Feb 18th. Register your kiddies (open to grade 2-6 students in Calgary), and if they don't miss school days, they can receive gift certificate awards valued up to $100.00. There are also awards for kids who only miss a few days, or increased their attendance.
Note: This is not a school ran/affiliated program. It is a non for profit organization that wishes to encourage and support families who make a commitment to attend school every day.
Note: This is not a school ran/affiliated program. It is a non for profit organization that wishes to encourage and support families who make a commitment to attend school every day.

Monday, 5 February 2018
PSPA McDonald's Fun Lunch - Feb 14th!
The PSPA is hosting a (McDonald's!) Fun Lunch on Valentine's Day next week (This is fun for the parents too, as participating in it will mean you only have to make lunches 2 days next week since Thurs/Fri is no school

Watch for yellow forms coming home in agendas today.
Order forms/payment (cash only & please send exact change) must be received by this Thursday, February 8th, 2018.
PS: Parents, if you have your school security clearance check, and are available to help hand out lunches on Wednesday, February 14th from 11:25 am-12:15 pm; or should you have any questions, or concerns about this Fun Lunch, please contact Melissa Molberg, PSPA President at
Monday, 22 January 2018
Welcome New & Returning Executives!
A big thanks to those who attended tonight's AGM. The annual report can be found here if interested. A warm welcome to the new and returning executives elected tonight for the Pineridge School Council and Pineridge School Parent Association:
President (PSPA) and Chairperson (School Council): Melissa Molberg
Vice President/CoChair: Karen MacKinnon
Treasurer (PSPA/School Council): Meghan Pittman
Secretary (PSPA/School Council): Crystal Carstens
Directors at Large (PSPA): Dominica Witt and Astrid Ritz
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant
Vice President/CoChair: Karen MacKinnon
Treasurer (PSPA/School Council): Meghan Pittman
Secretary (PSPA/School Council): Crystal Carstens
Directors at Large (PSPA): Dominica Witt and Astrid Ritz
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant
Did you know?: From September 2016 (start of last school year) to Present, the PSPA has...
Annual general meeting tonight. Arrive before 6pm to be granted entry!
Did you know:? From September 2016 (start of last school year) to Present, the PSPA has:
- Paid for $27, 913.89 worth of school upgrades (various purchases relating to the Kindergarten room, music room, gymnasium, the learning commons, technology, and much more)
- Paid for $37,455.51 worth of opportunities/experiences and materials for our students! (Think: alien skating, trickster, lacrosse, dance, books, agendas, field trips, and swim bussing, the community gardens and presenters)
- Raised $71,277.43 via PSPA fundraising initiatives! (Including a casino fundraiser, catalogue fundraisers, cash calendar raffle ticket sales, cookie dough sales, cash donations and fun lunches)
- Hosted and/or co hosted or sponsored 4 family/community events including a dance, a family fun fitness night, a toy bingo, and a family rollerblading night!
- Established a Facebook page, a website (, a clear volunteer program, a list of food resources for families in need (see our website) and more, to keep you in the know and feeling supported!
- Paid $1,520.09 towards club support (Me to We/leadership club, Patrollers Picnic, the student entrepreneur project)
- and more!!! (Seriously! There is more!)
- Paid for $37,455.51 worth of opportunities/experiences and materials for our students! (Think: alien skating, trickster, lacrosse, dance, books, agendas, field trips, and swim bussing, the community gardens and presenters)
- Raised $71,277.43 via PSPA fundraising initiatives! (Including a casino fundraiser, catalogue fundraisers, cash calendar raffle ticket sales, cookie dough sales, cash donations and fun lunches)
- Hosted and/or co hosted or sponsored 4 family/community events including a dance, a family fun fitness night, a toy bingo, and a family rollerblading night!
- Established a Facebook page, a website (, a clear volunteer program, a list of food resources for families in need (see our website) and more, to keep you in the know and feeling supported!
- Paid $1,520.09 towards club support (Me to We/leadership club, Patrollers Picnic, the student entrepreneur project)
- and more!!! (Seriously! There is more!)
Join us tonight to hear about cost breakdowns, our goals going forward, and to learn how you can get involved (if you’d like- no obligation! You can just come to listen!)
Note: the $/upgrades/opportunities/events etc. would NOT have been possible or available to our students or school if it wasn’t for the PSPA and families who support and volunteer for fundraisers and events. Just wanted to say such a heart felt thank you to our entire parent/family community for all that you do (many schools go without any of this - the things mentioned above are extras (school budgets/school fees don’t pay for them), that require an active parent association and community in order to make them possible, and many schools don’t have this!) Also a HUGE thank you goes out to our school for scheduling and organizing the upgrades and residencies listed above, because without their cooperation they wouldn’t happen either. We should all be so immensely proud of our accomplishments!!
See you tonight!
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
January AGM Agendas
This coming Monday is the AGM - We will be conducting a FULL review of what the PSPA did and spent last year (Curious what the PSPA does - this is the best meeting to attend to find out!), as well as voting in executive positions including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator and Directors at Large for both School Council and the PSPA. If any of these positions interest you, please come and express your interest!
Other items on the agendas include discussions about Kindergarten in 2018/2019, and Attendance Letters.
Please arrive by 6:00pm to ensure entry for these meetings..... There will be cookies!
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
The PSPA would like to wish you all a Happy New Year, and we hope to see you at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on January 22nd, 2018, starting at 6:00pm. If you’re still unsure about what the Parent Association is all about, this is will be an EXCELLENT opportunity to come and get informed, as we will be conducting a full review of what EXACTLY we did during the past year, and working on some goal setting for next year. Hope to see you there!
A major focus and purpose of the PSPA is to fundraise in order to provide additional opportunities, experiences, and materials to our students they otherwise would not receive. Thanks to your participation and support of our fundraisers, the PSPA is very excited to be affording our students an Elev8 Lacrosse Residency during the week of January 12th!! Throughout this residency, students will acquire lacrosse skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities, in a varied environment, all while experiencing the health benefits that result from physical activity! The PSPA would also like to thank our school for making the appropriate arrangements and scheduling adjustments required to allow this to happen!
Happy 2018! We look forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meeting on January 22nd, at 6:00pm, and as a reminder, as always, the school doors will be locked, but because it is after hours, no one will be manning the buzzer, so PLEASE, arrive early to ensure entry!
Monday, 4 December 2017
December PSPA School Newsletter Content
Happy December from the PSPA!
We just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped organize, set up and clean up after the Toy Bingo the PSPA hosted on November 24! And to everyone who attended!! This event had an amazing turn out, and fun was had by all!! It really was a rewarding event to put on, and the PSPA was thrilled to receive so much terrific feedback! Thank you!

November 24th, 2017 PSPA Toy Bingo. Approximately 200 people were in attendance, and 57 toy prizes were awarded. (This photo was taken with parental consent and permission was given to publicly post/circulate it - THANK YOU parents!)
Another huge thanks goes out to our school staff and the Trickster team for collaborating such an awesome production November 30th and December 1st. Additionally, the PSPA also wanted to express our thanks to our fabulous parents who gave their time, energy and resources to facilitate such a wonderful week with Trickster! Without their service in the background, many things just would not have been possible! The PSPA is so proud of the community spirit and willingness that was shown, as many of the parent volunteers scheduled childcare and moved around other commitments to show up and support our kids. They came early, stayed late and overall were just so flexible and awesome. Volunteer parents, you are all to be very proud of what transpired and how well you worked together! Thank you!
Lastly - just a mention there will be no PSPA meeting in December, because we all know how December goes! (You’re Welcome!) The PSPA would like to wish you all a happy holiday season, and we hope to see you at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on January 22nd, 2018, starting at 6:00pm. If you’re still unsure about what the Parent Association is all about, this is will be an EXCELLENT opportunity to come and get informed as we will be conducting a full review of EXACTLY what we did during the past year. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
PSPA Coupon Books!
Hey Guys! The PSPA still has some of these Action Pack coupon books available for sale. We know there were inquiries at the Toy Bingo whether or not we would be selling these at Trickster - we will NOT be, so if you would like one, please send a message to Astrid Ritz and she can hook you up!! Only available until until December 6th and make great stocking stuffers!
(No two for 1 coupons, or % off... all coupons are for FREE admission or services, etc. Flying Squirrel, Monster Golf, Laser Tag, etc.!)
(No two for 1 coupons, or % off... all coupons are for FREE admission or services, etc. Flying Squirrel, Monster Golf, Laser Tag, etc.!)
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